Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative
Who We Are
We are the friends and family of Bradley Rice. In May of 2005, at the end of his senior year at Oakland Mills High School in Columbia, MD, Bradley was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumour (ES/PNET), a rare and aggressive form of bone and soft tissue sarcoma. In 10 months, Bradley endured chemo, surgery and radiation. In spite of our and medical science’s best efforts, Bradley passed away on March 21, 2006.
What We’re Doing
Bradley's family is participating in a series of internationally coordinated events that will take place in July of 2007 to raise public awareness of sarcoma and to raise funds for much needed sarcoma research. As part of this effort, they will join Team Sarcoma 2007 by participating in a 5k walk around Lake Mission Viejo. The Team Sarcoma 2007 Initiative involves hundreds of people, worldwide in an "International Bike, Run, Walk, and Swim for Sarcoma Awareness".
Why We’re Doing It
The entire family found Bradley's illness to be profoundly life altering. We are now committed to telling his story in the belief that increased public awareness of sarcoma will lead to increased research funding and that research will ultimately lead to a cure for sarcoma.
The press and TV coverage of these efforts will help make people aware of this devastating and deadly cancer. Such awareness can, in the short term, potentially affect the lives of thousands of families and can aid in directing money toward research to find methods to diagnose and cure this disease.
How You Can Help
· Sponsor our participation in Team Sarcoma 2007
· Join us July 22nd in Mission Viejo
· Call Bradley’s sister at 949-254-0277 for details!
· Spread the word!